In 2004, the President of the United States and Congress declared October Cyber Security Awareness Month. Every year since, the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency, in collaboration with the National Cybersecurity Alliance, produces a toolkit of multiple materials to help organizations and individuals be cyber-aware. This year CISA produced, Stay Safe Online When Using AI. Below is a summary of the four items they share to stay safe in today's evolving AI landscape.

YOU are a very important to the success of cybersecurity at your institution. Every financial institution employee is a critical part of the institution’s cybersecurity posture. We provide our partner institutions a suite of cybersecurity controls, and for those controls to be effective it requires each employee to be aware and cautions of the actions they take each and every day.

Mind Your Inputs

Don’t share confidential information with artificial intelligence (AI) engines, on social media, or any other publicly available medium.  

Be Privacy Aware

AI models gather data from public websites, including social media sites. Social media sites also use the information you input for their business purposes and in many cases claim ownership of the data you give them.

How Hackers Use AI

Cybercriminals are using AI and social media sites. This includes impersonated profiles, phone calls, modified images and altered videos, all of which are often referred to as ‘deepfakes’.

AI is a Tool

While AI can assist with tasks, it’s important to not rely solely on AI-generated or social media content.

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